NAACP Officer Consent Form

This form must be completed and returned to the Branch Secretary before you can be considered for nomination to any office or committee chair seat. You may complete the form online, or download it and fill it out by hand.

Please choose the office to which you are consenting to be nominated.
By entering your full name here, you indicate that you consent to serve as a candidate for the selected office of the Middletown Branch, Unit #2156-B. You agree to serve and abide by the policies, principles, and procedures of the NAACP, and you agree to complete Executive Leadership Training within six months of your election. For the purpose of serving as a candidate for an elected office, you affirm that you have been a bona fide member of the Middletown Branch, Unit #2156-B, as of April 1 prior to the date nominations are made, and that you live and/or work within the jurisdiction of the Branch.